viernes, 28 de abril de 2023

Why did you choose your major?

When I was a child a had a lot of dreams and a lot of options for study, I wanted to be a teacher, a veterinary, a doctor and a dancer, but the ideas has change.

I wanted to study a career in the healt area, but things didn´t go that way. I took a gap year and I decided to study singing as a hobby. I heard about the career through my teacher and I felt it was for my, I imagined myself producing music and connecting cables at live events. Music and arts have always been part of my life and these are my true passions.

I love going to class and seeing my friends, it makes me happy to learn new things, such as music production applications or sound reinforcment

sábado, 22 de abril de 2023

Who i am?

 Hello! My name is Sofia Mardones, and i‘m your classmate.

For now, I’m a Sound Engeneering student, I like the career but i dislike calculus classes, it is bit difficult. And as good student of Sound, I love music and I listen  to all type of music but i prefer “cebollera” music, the interpretation of artists makes me feel ecstatic. 

I adore Selena Quintanilla and if you want, you can listen to  “Como la “Flor”, the song that became her a star. Luis Miguel is another one of my favorite artists, you can listen to “Suave” or “Hoy el aire huele a ti”.

Also I like reading,but for time issues I don't read usually, the last book i read was “La Balada de los Pájaros cantores y Serpientes” it is a prequel of the “Los Juegos del Hambre” and I’m waiting for the movie, which is going to be released in November.

My most recent hobbie is to spend time with my bird, because it’s a little bird and needs so much love

I hope that we meet more in person!

Goodbye classmate